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Legal Stuff

Buying or selling real estate brings out all kinds of emotions. It can be exciting and stressful all at the same time. We always recommend that you seek professional legal advice before signing anything. There are also some great resources available now to explain your consumer rights and help understand real estate jargon. Please reach out anytime, we are here to help.

REA Guides

The Real Estate Authority (REA) has some great consumer info which is freely available.

Download the residential property agency agreement guide HERE (listing paperwork guide)

Download the residential property sale and purchase agreement guide HERE

Guiding kiwis through home buying and selling. https://www.settled.govt.nz/

As agents we must comply with the requirements of the Real Estate Agents Act 2008, the Regulations and the Real Estate Agents Act (Professional Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2012 (the Code of Conduct) at all times when carrying out all residential, commercial, industrial and rural property real estate transactions. HERE

Got a problem?

All licensed real estate agents are required to have a written in-house complaints and dispute resolution procedure. Our procedure is set out below.

You do not have to use our complaints and resolution procedure. You may make a complaint directly to the Real Estate Agents Authority at any time.

Zoom Real Estate In-house Complaints and Dispute Resolution Procedure

Our complaints and dispute resolution procedures are designed to provide a simple and personalised process for resolving any complaint you might have about the service you have received from our agency.

STEP 1: Call us and speak to the manager Mark Woolley ph. 021 425 145. Tell the manager who you are complaining about and what your concerns are. Let the manager know what you would like done about your complaint.

STEP 2: The manager may ask you to put your complaint in writing so that he or she can investigate it. The manager will need a brief period of time to talk to the team members involved. We promise to come back to you within 2 working days with a response to your complaint. That response may be in writing. As part of that response we might ask you to meet with members of our team to discuss the complaint and try to agree a resolution.

STEP 3: If we are unable to come to an agreed resolution after a meeting, or if you don’t wish to meet with us, then we will provide you with a written proposal to resolve your complaint.

STEP 4: If you do not accept our proposal, please try and advise us in writing within five working days. You can, of course, suggest another way of resolving your complaint.

STEP 5: If we accept your preferred resolution, we will attempt to implement that resolution as soon as possible. If we decline your preferred resolution, we may invite you to mediate the dispute.

STEP 6: If we agree to mediate the complaint but don’t settle the complaint at mediation, or we do not agree to mediate the dispute, then that will be the end of our process.

Remember: You can still make a complaint to the Real Estate Agents Authority in the first instance and, even if you use these procedures, you can still make a complaint to the Real Estate Agents Authority at any time.

The Real Estate Agents Authority
c/- PO Box 25-371
Wellington 6146
New Zealand
Phone 0800 for REAA or 0800 367 7322

Zoom Real Estate Privacy Policy

Zoom Real Estate Limited complies with the New Zealand Privacy Act 2020 (the Act) when dealing with personal information. Personal information is information about an identifiable individual (a natural person).

This policy sets out how we will collect, use, disclose and protect your personal information.

This policy does not limit or exclude any of your rights under the Act. If you wish to seek further information on the Act, see www.privacy.org.nz.

We may change this policy by uploading a revised policy onto the website. The change will apply from the date that we upload the revised policy.

This policy was last updated on 25 September 2023.

We collect personal information about you from:

  • you, when you provide that personal information to us, including via the website and any related service, through any registration or subscription process, through any contact with us (e.g. telephone call or email), or when you buy or use our services and products
  • third parties where you have authorised this or the information is publicly available.

If possible, we will collect personal information from you directly.

We will use your personal information:

  • to verify your identity
  • to provide services and products to you
  • to market our services and products to you, including contacting you electronically (e.g. by text or email for this purpose)
  • to improve the services and products that we provide to you
  • to bill you and to collect money that you owe us
  • to respond to communications from you, including a complaint
  • to protect and/or enforce our legal rights and interests, including defending any claim
  • for any other purpose authorised by you or the Act.

We may disclose your personal information to:

  • a person who can require us to supply your personal information (e.g. a regulatory authority)
  • any other person authorised by the Act or another law (e.g. a law enforcement agency)
  • any other person authorised by you.

We will take reasonable steps to keep your personal information safe from loss, unauthorised activity, or other misuse.

Subject to certain grounds for refusal set out in the Act, you have the right to access your readily retrievable personal information that we hold and to request a correction to your personal information.

Before you exercise this right, we will need evidence to confirm that you are the individual to whom the personal information relates.

In respect of a request for correction, if we think the correction is reasonable and we are reasonably able to change the personal information, we will make the correction. If we do not make the correction, we will take reasonable steps to note on the personal information that you requested the correction.

If you want to exercise either of the above rights, email us at office@zoomre.co.nz. Your email should provide evidence of who you are and set out the details of your request (e.g. the personal information, or the correction, that you are requesting).

While we take reasonable steps to maintain secure internet connections, if you provide us with personal information over the internet, the provision of that information is at your own risk.

If you post your personal information on the website’s [message board/ chat room], you acknowledge and agree that the information you post is publicly available.

If you follow a link on our website to another site, the owner of that site will have its own privacy policy relating to your personal information. We suggest you review that site’s privacy policy before you provide personal information.

We use cookies (an alphanumeric identifier that we transfer to your computer’s hard drive so that we can recognise your browser) to monitor your use of the website. You may disable cookies by changing the settings on your browser, although this may mean that you cannot use all of the features of the website.